A virtual community to spark creativity, connect, soothe minds and plan future projects through this crisis


Our letter to our community at the beginning of lockdown:

March 2020

Everything has come to a halt. We are in a time of great uncertainty and fear. Theatres are closed, projects are cancelled. We are facing a crisis of the arts, and of humanity. Let’s find a way forward, together. 

We want to help combat isolation and anxiety by mobilising our networks. Whether it’s sharing skills virtual workshopping or just talking. Now is a time to create together. 

Always wanted to learn about sound design? A stage manager but secretly always wanted to try improv? Want fresh eyes on an unfinished script? Or mulling over a new idea? 

Share your ideas, your thoughts on COVID, your cat, your waning loo roll supply - anything that’s on your mind. 

See below for ways to get involved SKYPE + COFFEE for one-to-one meetings, or with our COFFEE SHOPS for group activities. Please feel free to join both!

Let’s just make sure we keep talking.

With love and virtual hugs, 

Swings & Roundabouts Team 


To get involved…



A peer-to-peer buddy system, connecting people via email for skype + a coffee.

Fill in our contact form (link below).

Tell us what you are- a lighting designer, producer, director, actor, stage manager etc. and who you would like to meet.

We will link you to someone also in theatre to chat, commiserate and maybe even collaborate.  

COFFEE SHOPS, now courses.

Hosting scheduled video play readings, on-going discussion, and other creative activities to help us find a routine in this madness.  

Current coffee shops: Shakespeare, Greeks, Monologues and Playwriting 101 
Groups will remain small, so get in touch to join or ideas for a new coffee shop! 

NB: Our coffeeshops were wonderful springboards at the beginning of lockdown.

Always adapting, we found that our creatives were looking for more focused and structured group learning- so we have set up peer-run courses and workshops. Follow link below.
